We started of the day going to Bulgaria with the Tunnel of Hope Museum in Sarajevo. The Tunnel of Hope is a tunnel built during the seige of Sarajevo, and was the only source of outside food and supplies they had.
The rest of the day afterwards was spent driving to the airport, which would have given us and hour and a half to get to the plane. The airport was in a different country and as such required customs to get through. The customs took over an hour. So, the airport was incredibly stressful.
The first day in Sofia was just a rest day with some looking around at the churches. The second day was HOT. Charlie was too hot to do anything else after lunch so he left early. Me, Mom and James went to the Museum of Illusions, which was cool.
The next day was a 2.5 hour train to Plovdiv, Where we finished off Back to the Future. Dinner was in a pedestrian area that was mazelike. Charlie even got lost! The next day was just walking around the city.
The last place in Bulgaria was Burgas, a beach town. The rest of the time in Burgas was swimming in the pool and beach nearby.
I am curious what they display in these old churches. Are they statues of dead people? Is the cross prevalent? Does anyone go to these churches for worship?
Over all a pretty successful couple of days. I saw the pictures from The Museum of Illusions cool. Similar to the one we have here in Chicago that we went to on a youth trip