Estonia and Helsinki

We left off for Estonia by an overnight ferry over the Baltic sea. It was easily the biggest boat I have ever been on, and it had a LOT. And I mean it had a freaking shopping mall and a (small) arcade, not mentioning the breakfast buffet.

Sorry about the poor view, but this is the ferry we traveled on.

After reaching Estonia we dropped off our bags and walked around. If you didn’t know, Estonia and Finland are extreme Ukraine supporters. An example of this is some signs we saw looking around.

This was outside a restaurant and was made written in both English and Estonian.
Found outside of the Russian embassy, which is less than half a block from the Ukrainian one.

Estonia is also extremely introverted. When the lockdown happened, people were prepared because most Estonians had work-at-home jobs. Estonia also has their voting online. Before you ask, the only reason why they are doning that is because Estonia is the El Numero Uno in cyber-security. Not in only in Europe, but the ENTIRE WORLD!

Also, both Estonia and Finland were under Russian control for some time. Their languages are both similar and equally confusing to learn. The capital of Finland, Helsinki, is within radio distance of the capital of Estonia. This was during the time of the soviet occupation. So, a funny thing that happened was a erotic movie was going to be streamed on the the Helsinki radio. All of the adults put kids to bed early. Later, after 9 months, the birth rate skyrocketed for some reason.

Okay, so now onto to our trip, we took a free tour, which is where I found out all of those little facts, like how a tourist walked up to the current minister of foreign affairs and asked him if he could smoke there. We saw all of the landmarks. Afterwards we checked out dinner and went back to the hostel.

The next day, we went to a group of towers and just looked around. Overall it was a chill day. The next day, we had to get up early to catch our ferry to Helsinki. We did a free tour around the city, and saw all sorts of cool stuff.

Then today, we are flying over to Tromzone, Norway. We went on a short hour lone flight to a layover. It’s currently 1 PM over here, but the the next flight is taking off in 5:30, so we have nothing to do until then.

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